What Is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions can interfere with a person's daily life, relationships, and ability to function. People with OCD often experience anxiety and may engage in obsessive and compulsive behaviors to reduce their anxiety. Some common obsessions include concerns about contamination, a need for symmetry or order, and irrational fears about harm or danger.

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors or rituals that a person with OCD engages in to reduce their anxiety or distress. These behaviors are often performed in response to an obsession. Some common compulsions in people with OCD include hand washing, checking, counting, or organizing.

Symptoms & Signs Of OCD

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can vary from person to person, but common symptoms include:

  • Intrusive, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or images (obsessions) that cause anxiety or distress
  • Repetitive behaviors or rituals (compulsions) that a person feels driven to perform in order to reduce anxiety or distress
  • Difficulty controlling or ignoring obsessions and compulsions
  • Difficulty completing tasks because of obsessions and compulsions
  • Anxiety or distress about obsessions and compulsions
  • Time-consuming obsessions and compulsions that interfere with daily functioning

Symptoms of OCD can range from mild to severe and may change over time. Some people may experience symptoms only occasionally, while others may experience them consistently. It's important to seek treatment if OCD symptoms are causing significant distress or impairment in daily life.

Common Treatments For OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that a person feels compelled to perform. Common treatments for OCD include:

Psychotherapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most effective form of therapy for OCD. It helps a person identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Medication: Antidepressant medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be effective in reducing the symptoms of OCD.

Self-help strategies: There are several self-help strategies that can be effective in managing OCD, such as relaxation techniques, setting aside time for obsessive thoughts and compulsions, and gradually exposing oneself to feared situations.

Support groups: Support groups can provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals with OCD to share their experiences and receive support from others who are dealing with similar challenges.

Take Control of Your OCD

We understand the challenges and struggles that individuals with OCD face on a daily basis. Our team of highly trained and compassionate therapists is dedicated to helping our clients overcome their obsessions and compulsions, and live a happier and more fulfilling life. We offer a range of evidence-based treatments, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, self-help strategies, and support groups, to help our clients manage their OCD symptoms and achieve their treatment goals. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where our clients can feel comfortable and confident in their journey towards recovery. Contact us today to schedule your assessment.


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'Anyone dealing with, or suffering from, Panic disorder will find psychological and medical expertise specific to this disorder, and would ultimately achieve improved quality of life under the care and supervision of Dr. Roula Creighton.'


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'Someone in need of psychiatric care will be very well taken care of pharmaceutically and therapy-wise with Dr. Roula Creighton. Excellent physician. She listens carefully, is involved in caring for her patients, and very professional.'


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'Telehealth was extremely seamless and more comfortable than I anticipated; this platform is just fine given the situation with this pandemic and Dr. Creighton was just as caring as usual...I have no issues with the manner by which the care is delivered.'


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